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  • News from Sol Matas!

    I ´d like to write about the libre type activity in Argentina. I’m thinking about some ideas because since Google´s web project contacted type designers in Argentina I should say that the local production doubled or even more.
    I am a little worried about time… but at least I’ll try with a short text.

  • Proposal from Martin Eschoyez 

    Proposals (graphical work) received from Martin Eschoyez, Argentina.

    Me. A triangulated version of myself. inkscape + GIMP.

    A triangulated version of myself.
    inkscape + GIMP.

    More on Flickr:

    Martin writes:

    I’ve wrote some tutorials for GIMP magazine, i illustrate the covers of an Argentinean Linux magazine, and i’m animation teacher (of course with Open Source tools) in some universities here. I always try to collaborate and teach what i’ve learned, and being a little part of such great communities as yours always made my day, and encourages me to kep on going.

    See also some of his animation works here:

  • Glitch Text Generator and Text Art Canvas 

    Hello. You may be interested in covering my Glitch Text Generator and Text Art Canvas for your next issue. It’s a web app for creating various types of text art using Unicode. It has a few interesting features:

    • Quickly create “glitch text” (g̸̨͉̥̭̿̍l̩̳ͤ᷄̾̅̀ị̴̿̅̆᷈ͯt͉̣̒̾ͭ̊͗c͕̦̉᷾ͦ͞ͅh̜̪ͩ̂̑᷆͜ ̭̩̭᷈̀͏̕t̫̣̝̝̽̀̓ė̦͍̰᷊͗᷆x̵͔͍᷆ͫ̚͟t̸̷̴̹̓̂͟) using combining diacritical marks. Many of these are stackable to get interesting aesthetic effects, or even cause browser bugs or other unexpected behavior.
    • Quickly generate dozens of other types of text — shapes, dingbats, Arabic, Katakana, Braille… just to name a few.
    • Formatting tools for making your text look pretty.
    • Download the JavaScript and include it in your own project.

    The tool and its documentation are here:


    There is also a tumblr of artwork creating using the tool here:

    Most of the work on the tumblr is by me (Benjamin Berg, aka stAllio!), unless otherwise noted.

    I am of course happy to answer any questions.

  • Computational fonts for the web 

    Hello ginger, Ana, Ricardo and Manuel.

    Here is a subject, in form of a story, which could be turned into a proposition of some kind.

    I started to get interested in fonts for the web, before the @font-face specification. As you remember, we didn’t have much choice. Either, we had to guess the fonts the user would have (which would be 90% windows defaults). Or use php-gd on-the-fly srever-side baked images or some flash app as a way to display more fancy fonts for blog titles mainly.

    Anyway, because I can’t do things like everyone and because I didn’t want to send baked-images nor use flash for my website, I tried rendering fonts, in javascript, in the browser. You must also know that there was no <canvas> tag available at that time either.

    So I used some cryptic js library that would draw in the browser using only absolute divs. I also created my own parametric font, where each gliph would be a single closed shaped polygon. And I used (and still use) it for my logo and the titles of my website http://xuv.be.

    Here’s an example of the font with 3 weights.


    I never (took the time to) release(d) that font. But I thought about it and thought about porting it to other languages also (like processing for example).

    Anyway. This got me interested in other projects like this. And I found 2 of some sort.

    One is the Curtis CSS typeface by Dave Desandro
    (A pure html-css only typeface)


    The other is the 1kJS experiment http://www.claudiocc.com/the-1k-notebook-part-i/ (By Claudio CC ?)


    So, my proposition could be to write about these weird web type face experiments and try to find some more relevant work around these ideas. (So the criteria here would be not to use a font file as a source, but just html-css-js).

    Or another proposition could be that I talk about my font project and release the xuv-font in different languages.

    Or also could be just images of these 3 projects in some sort of quick and weird showcase section.

    Tell me what you think about this.
    And if you found this interesting, I can start cooking ;)

    • Hi Julien,

      Thanks for those proposals, I like them a lot! Very much in line with what we are planning.

      I think the most awesome would be to write on the background of the xuvfont experiment, and those other “pure web typeface” hacks (didn’t know about those).

      This article could also briefly mention things like sIFR and Cufón – those ugly workarounds that are history now. But I love the idea of focussing on those deliberately experimental font works.

    • Hey Manuel.
      Glad you like it :)
      The sIFR thing is what I was talking about when I mentioned flash based font titles. I just didn’t remember it had an “official” name. Thanks for it. Here’s a link to the reference page: http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/sifr/ (feels like dead media to me now this technology :) )

      And I had no idea what cufon was. Maybe vaguely in my “I have heard that” memory. But never investigated it. Interesting. Although I haven’t explored yet what it was. Seems recent though. Here’s what seems the reference: http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/

      • Actually I didn’t ever check how Cufon worked. It uses canvas and VML – a standard submitted to the W3C in 1998, that “has been largely deprecated in favor of other formats, such as SVG”. Looks like Cufon development started in 2008 and stopped in 2012.

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