It’s in the mail

Did you order a copy of Libre Graphics magazine issue 1.2? Then today is your lucky day! We’ve finished posting all pre-orders. Expect your copy soon. And, spoiler alert: it looks great.

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Living proof

If you’ve been following Libre Graphics magazine for a while, you may have noticed that we particularly enjoy doing things like taking pictures of physical objects (or computer screens), translating them into digital artefacts, printing them, and so on. We like alternating between digital and physical and back. So, you know what this whole preamble means, don’t you? We’ve got the proofs of issue 1.2 in hand (a little later than we might have liked, but that’s a whole other story), and they look fantastic. This time around, we’ve gone shiny. And we’ve also gone with vegetable-based ink, to round out our eco cred. But enough talk. You want to see the pictures, right?

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Tools deadline extended

Remember that exhibition Libre Graphics magazine is co-sponsoring? The one about tools? And are you kicking yourself for having missed the submission deadline? Well, today’s your lucky day! We’ve extended the deadline for submissions. You’ve got until May 2 to get your work in. So get to it! It’s a chance to have your work shown in the Tools exhibition and featured in a future issue of Libre Graphics magazine.

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Tools – Call for Submissions

Let’s talk about tools for a moment. We, as humans, distinguish ourselves from other animals by talking about our ability to make and use tools. We make tools, we use tools, we are tools, all at different times and in different amounts.

Tools can be physical things used to manipulate equally physical things. At the same time, they can be digital things, used to shift bits. We can love them or hate them. The one thing we can’t manage is to escape them.

As we define what they do, so too do they define what we do. In the shape of a paint brush, the kink of a bezier curve, the change a gaussian filter exerts over an image, they make our work what it is. We are our tools and our tools are us. So let’s talk about tools, in the best way we know how, graphically.

Libre Graphics Meeting, Libre Graphics magazine and Mardigrafe are co-sponsoring a juried exhibition of F/LOSS graphics work on the subject of tools. Break out your own F/LOSS graphics tools and design a poster (24″x34″) detailing your perception or ideas about tools.

All submissions will be included in an online gallery, presented in conjunction with Libre Graphics meeting. In addition, a jury of designers, thinkers and doers will meet in May. They’ll pick 15 posters to be printed by Mardigrafe and displayed during Libre Graphics Meeting in Montreal. The editors of Libre Graphics magazine will pick a further eight to be featured in the showcase section of an upcoming issue.

So get thinking about your tools, what they mean to you and what you mean to them. Then, get designing. Submissions are due by April 22 and can be submitted to

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Literally bleeding edge

Above: a little slow loading, because 86MB is pretty big.

I tend to love the look of things on their way to print. So I’m delighted by the look of the crop marks on our ready-to-go-to-the-printer version of Libre Graphics magazine 1.2. So pretty.

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Why we’re not celebrating a completed grant application

We’ve mentioned a little lately the great big grant application that we had underway. We mentioned doing our finances and trying to make up our paid circulation quota. The application was due March 1. This week (and last, and the one before), if we’d done it, we’d be celebrating. Instead, we’ve just released issue 1.2, sans grant.

So, what happened?

The answer is that lots of things happened. Mostly, what happened was that we didn’t make our paid circulation quota. In order to qualify for the grant (the Canada Council for the Arts Grants to Literary and Art Magazines, new magazine component), we needed to be able to show that we’d had average circulation, over the course of all of our issues, of at least 200 copies, with paid circulation making up half that amount.

Tactically, we made a mistake. We printed 1000 copies of issue 1.1. Which means that, in order to qualify for the grant, we needed to sell 500 of those copies. While we did sell a couple hundred copies (which, all by itself, is great), we didn’t make it to 500. Taking that into account, no matter how well we did with 1.2, if we’d released it before March 1, we wouldn’t have managed the average half paid circulation required to qualify for the grant.

So instead, seeing that, we took a little more time with 1.2, made it great, made it the magazine we wanted it to be. And we’re plugging along. As we go, we’re picking up more and more subscribers (big shouts go out to those who have bought supporter subscriptions), chasing down more potential advertisers, and just generally going about our business, on a shockingly small budget.

That’s the story behind the grant. Thanks to those of you who bought cheap copies of 1.1 to help us with our paid circulation numbers. It did help. And it does help us in the long run. Now, we’ll keep on keeping on and, the next time March 1 rolls around, chances are way better that we’ll be prepared to apply for that grant and get it. Fingers crossed.

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Mirrors are nice

It’s lovely when people spontaneously do nice things. Today, Vinz Vietzke did something nice for us. He mirrored issue 1.2. Now, if you want to download 1.2 and think the link we’re providing is a little slow, you can try downloading it from him instead. Thanks, Vinz!

Low Quality:
High Quality:

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Issue 1.2: ready to read!

We’ve just done something you might like. We’ve released issue 1.2 of Libre Graphics magazine. You can, as usual, buy it (and see it the way it’s meant to be) or download the PDF version. It looks a little something like this:

EDITED 22/March: Added links for buying and downloading.

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While we’ve already filled up and composed the Best of SVG section for this issue, I just wanted to share a really fantastic warning sign which surely would have made the cut if we’d found it sooner. It’s this spectacular crocodile warning sign by Amada44 (

Yes, crocodiles.

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Almost out of the oven

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