Because Libre Graphics Magazine exists to serve F/LOSS-oriented designers, artists and all sorts of other users, we want to make sure that all those people know what’s going on. That’s where our event calendar comes in. It’s in print, at the front of every issue of the magazine and also online.
But for the event calendar to be useful, it needs events. We invite anyone to submit upcoming events to
We look, specifically for events that are
- of interest to the Libre Graphics user and developer community
- are taking place in the next three months OR
- have registration deadlines in the next three months OR
- have submission deadlines in the next three months.
These events can be festivals, conferences, even shows. They don’t even need to be specifically F/LOSS oriented. They could be design or art events, or anything else that has a compelling use for the Libre Graphics user community. As long as they’re interesting and coming up soon, we want to hear about them.
We do, however, ask that if events charge and admission or registration fee, that the fee be clearly indicated in the given description. And if you offer travel bursaries or other forms of financial support for participants, mention that, too!